Tento uživatel nemá prozatím vyplněny žádné údaje.
- 1977 - Ing. (MSc.), CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- 1982 - CSc. (PhD.) in Electronics, Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague
- 1991 - Doc. (Associate Professor) in Electrical Engineering, CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- 1996 - DrSc. in Radioelectronics, CTU, Faculty of Electrical Engineering
- 2009 - Prof. in Electrical Engineering, CTU, Faculty of electrical Enginnering
- Modelling of planar passive elements and subsystems used in microwave and millimeterwave technique
- Propagation of electromagnetic waves in periodic structures
- Metamaterials
- Field theory
- Member of the Technical and Programme Committee European Microwave Conference 1995 - 1997, and since 2013
- Secretary of the 26th European Microwave Conference 1996 in Prague
- member of the Radiengineering Society
- member of the Czech Electrotechnical Society
- member of the committee of the Czech Electrotechnical Society
- Chairman of the Czech Electrotechnical Society in 2005-2008, and since 2014
- Chairman of the committee of the proffesional group Microwave Technique of the Czech Electrotechnical Society
- Senior Member IEEE
- Member of the European Microwave Association (EuMA)
- member of the MTT-S Administrative Committee „Membership and Geographic Activities“
- MTT Society Region 8 vice-coordinator
- member of the Committee of the Czechoslovak Section of IEEE in 2003-2008
- member of the Technical and Programme Committee of 2004 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory
- member of the Technical and Programme Committee of the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium since 2008
- representative of IEEE Region 8 in the EuMA GA for years 2010–2012
- electromagnetic field theory
- waves and transmission lines
- numerical solution of electromagnetic fields
- selected problems from mathematics
- analysis methods for passive elements of microwave and millimeterwave technique (for PhD students)
- Investigation of metamaterials and microwave structures with the help of noise spectroscopy and magnetic resonance, GACR No. 102/09/0314, 2009-2012.
- Investigation of artificial electromagnetic materials with applied numerical and imaging methods, GACR No. 13-09086S, 2013-2016.
- Complex Artificial Electromagnetic Structures and Nanostructures, GACR No. 17-00607S, 2017-2019.
Investigation of atmospheric pressure plasma slit jet with complex electromagnetic excitation and plasma chemistry, GACR No. 20-14105S
Electromagmetic Fields Transformation by Metasurfaces, GACR No. 21-07223S, 2020, proposal
- Machac J., Svanda M., Kabourek V., Leaky-Wave Antenna on Substrate-Integrated Waveguide with Radiation Pttern Controlled by DC Voltage, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology, Jan. 2024.
- Machac J., Svanda M., Kabourek V., 2D Leaky Wave Antenna with Controlled Direction of Radiation in the Azimuthal Plane, International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technology, April 2024.
- Polaskova K., Drexler P., Klima M., Machac J., Necas D., Svanda M., Zajickova L., Plasma Sources Science and Technology 2024, open access, 27 pages, 2024.
- Machac J., Pasquet D., Region 8 IEEE MTT-S Chapter Officers Meeting [Around the Globe]. IEEE Microwave Magazine, Feb. 2023, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 25-29.
- Svanda M., Machac J. Polivka M., Constraints of Using Conductive Screen-Printing for Chipless RFID Tags with Enhanced RCS Response. Applied Sciences 2023, 13, 148. https://doi.org/10.3390/app13010148
- Machac J., Svanda M., Kabourek V., A Reconfigurable Leaky Wave Antenna, 33rd International Conference Radioelektronika 2023, paper No 188-306, Proc. 2023.
- Ayadi H., Machac J., Beldi S., Latrach L., Printed Hexagonal Antennas with Dual Reconfigurable Wide Rejected Bands. 2022 Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, May 2022 9 - 132, Pizzo Calabro, Italy.
- Mirzaei M., Ripka P., Machac J., Grim V., Svatos J., Design and modeling of an axisymmetric eddy current sensor for speed measurement of nonmagnetic rods, Sensors ans Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 344, 1 Sept. 2022, 113728.
- Machac J., Noumi R., Single/Dual Beam Scanning Provided by an Array Composed of Two SIW Leaky Wave Antennas, European Microwave WEEK 2022, Milan, Italy, Workshop WF4.
- Ayadi H., Machac J., Svanda M., Boulejfen N., Tatrach L., Proof of concept of Reconfigurable Solvent Vapor Sensor Tag with Wireless Power Transfer for IoT Applications, MDPI Applied Sciences, 2022.
- Ayadi H., Machac J., Svanda M., Boulejfen N., Tatrach L., Remote Tuning of Resonant Circuits Using Wireless Power Transfer, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2022, Yokohama, Japan.
- Troudi Z., Machac J., Osman L. A Novel Compact Substrate Integrated Waveguide Filter Using Miniaturized Stepped Impedance Metamaterial Unit Cell. PIER C, Vol. 108, pp. 49-61, 1021.
- Ayadi H., Machac J., Beldi S., Latrach L. Planar Hexagonal Antenna with Dual Reconfigurable Notched Bands for Wireless Communication Devices. Radioengineering, Vol. 30, No. 1, pp. 25-33, April 2021.
- Cichon S., Machac J., Impact of thermal shielding on heating efficiency of SiC in single mode microwave resonant cavity , CPEE 2021, 22nd International Conference "Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering".
- Mirzaei M., Machac J., Ripka P., Chirtsov A., J. Vyhnanek J., Grim V. Design of a Flat-Type Magnetic Position Senzor Using a Finite Difference Method. IET Science Measurement & Technology, Vol. 14, No. 5, pp. 514-524, Jul. 2020.
- Švanda M., Macháč J., Polívka M., Havlová Š., Fitl P., Vrňata M., Chipless RFID Tag with Enhanced RCS Used as a Phthalocyanine-Based Solvent Vapors Sensor . IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 19, No. 9, pp. 1556-1560, 2020, ISSN 1536-1225.
- Sboui F., Machac J., Gharsallah A., The SIW Cavity Backed Tunable Planar Antenna, EuMCE 2019, Prague, May 13-15, 2019
- Noumi R., Machac J., Gharsallah A., Novel Prorotypes of Single and Dual Elements of CRLH SIW LWA for Continuous Beam Scanning, PIERS 2019, Roma.
- Sboui F., Machac J., Gharsallah A., Low/Profile Slotted SIW Cavity Backed Antenna for Frequency Agility, Radioenginnering, Vol. 28,No. 2, pp. 386-390, June 2019
- Machac J., Experimental Verification of the Behavior of a Double Negative Metamaterial Composed of Planar Resonant Elements, WEIF1, MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2019, Boston, Mas. USA
- Svanda M., Polivka M., Havlicek J., Machac J, Werner D.H., Platform Tolerant High Encoding Capacity Dipole Array-Plate Chipless RFID Tag, IEEE Access, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 138707-138720, Dec. 2019
- Ibrahim A.A., Machac J., Shubair R.M., UWB MIMO Antenna for High Speed Wireless Applications, ACES Journal, Vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 1294-1299, Sept. 2019
- Machac J., Substrate Integrated Waveguide - Base for Leaky Wave Antennas, The 19th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia, Invited Paper
- Sboui F., Machac J., Gharsallah A., Varactor-Loaded SIW Cavity Backed Antennas for Modern Wireless Communication Systems, The 19th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Paper No. 57, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Noumi R., Machac J., Gharsallah A., Tunable LC MTM SIW LWA for Continuous Scanning at Fixed Frequency, The 19th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Paper No. 58, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Sboui F., Machac J., Latrach L., Gharsallah A., Triple Band Tunable SIW Cavity Antenna with Cristal Liquid Materials for Wireless Application, The 19th Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, Paper No. 66, Oct 31 - Nov 2, 2019, Hammamet, Tunisia.
- Troudi Z., Machac J., Osman L., Miniaturized Planar Band-Pass Filter Based on Interdigital Arm SRR, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, Vol. 13, Iss. 12. pp. 2081-2086, 2019.
- Noumi R., Machac J., Gharsallah A., Comparison of Uniform and Non-uniform SIW CRLH LW Antennas, ADMInC 2019, Antennas Design ans Measurement International Conference, pp. 150-153, Sankt Petersburg, Russia.
- Macháč J., Pasquet D.: Region 8 MTT-S Chapter Representatives October 2017 Meeting in Nuremberg, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 96-99, 2018.
- Macháč J., Polívka M., Švanda M., Havlíček J.: Frequency-Domain Chipless RFID Transponders:Improvement the Reading Response, MIKON 2018, M33-4, Poznan, May 14-17, 2018, Poland.
- Macháč J.: Volumetric Double Negative Metamaterial Comprised of Planar Resonators, MTT-S International Microwave Symposium 2018, June 2018, Philadelphia, Pa, USA.
- Ergul O., Macháč J.: MTT-S Regional Coordinator Visits Turkey [MTT-S Society News], IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 19, No. 5, pp. 102 – 103, 2018.
- Macháč J., Boussada A., Švanda M., Havlíček J., Polívka M.: Influence of Mutual Coupling on Stability of RCS Response in Chipless RFID, Technologies 2018, 6(3), 67; doi: 10.3390/technologies6030067.
- Švanda, M.; Havlíček, J.; Macháč, J.; Polívka, M.: Polarisation Independent Chipless RFID Tag Based on Circular Arrangement of Dual-Spiral Capacitively-Loaded Dipoles with Robust RCS Response, IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation. 2018, 12(10), ISSN 1751-8725.
- Polívka, M.; Švanda, M.; Havlíček, J.; Macháč, J.: Semi-Platform Tolerant 20-bit Chipless RFID Tag Composed of Dipole Array Closely Coupled to Plate, 2018 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation. Bruxelles: The European Association on Antennas and Propagation, 2018. ISSN 0537-9989. ISBN 978-1-78561-815-4.
- Machac,J.: “A Negative Permittivity Metamaterial Composed of Planar Resonators with Randomly Detuned Resonant Frequencies and Randomly Distributed in Space,” International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, EUMA, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 1028-1034, Nov. 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1759078718001046,.
- Noumi, R., Machac, J., Gharsallah A.: Space Leaky Waves Propagating along a Pair of CRLH SIW Lines, Radioengineering, Vol. 27, No. 3, Sept. 2018, pp. 633 – 639.
- Noumi, R., Machac, J., Gharsallah A.: Novel Single/Dual Beam Scanning Provided by an Array Composed of Two CRLH SIW LWAs, Proc. of the 48th European Microwave Conference 2018, Madrid, Spain, pp. 380 – 383.
- Noumi, R., Machac, J., Gharsallah A.: Complex beam steering from substrate integrated waveguide leaky wave antenna array, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28 October 2018, Early view.
- Sboui F., Machac, J., Gharsallah A.: Tunable slot antenna backed by substrate integrated waveguide cavity, International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 09 October 2018, Early view.
- Švanda M., Polívka M., Havlicek J., Macháč J.: Chipless RFID Tag with an Improved Magnitude and Robustness of RCS Response, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 59, No. 2, pp. 488-492, Feb. 2017
- Abdelmonem Ibrahim A., Machac J., Shubair R.M., Compact UWB MIMO Antenna with Pattern Diversity and Band Rejection Characteristics, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 59, No. 6, pp. 1460-1464, June 2017
- Abdelmonem Ibrahim A., Ali W., Macháč J., Compact Size UWB Monopole Antenna with Tripple Band-Notches, Radioengineering, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 57-63, April 2017
- Abdelmonem Ibrahim A., Ali W., Macháč J., UWB Monopole Antenna with Band Notched Characteristics Mitigating Interference with WiMAX, Radioengineering, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 438-443, June 2017
- Boussada A., Macháč J., Švanda M., Havlíček J., Polívka M.: Erroneous Reading of Information in Chipless RFID Tags, PIERS 2017, St. Petersburg, May 2017
- Polívka M, Švanda M., Havlíček J., Macháč J.,: Detuned Dipole Array Backed by Rectangular Plate vApplied as Chipless RFID Tag, PIERS 2017, St. Petersburg, May 2017
- Macháč J., Pasquet D.: Region 8 MTT-S Chapter Chair Meeting in London, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 103-106, 2017
- Macháč J.: Amorphous Metamaterial with Negative Permeability, IEEE Antennas and Wreless Propagation Letters, Vol. 16, pp. 2138-2141, No. 99, 2017, DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2017.2700234.
- Team of Authors: Europe and the Future for WPT, European Contributions to Wireless Power Transfer Technology, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 4, pp. 56-87, June 2017.
- Geschke R., Machac J., Stander T., Visit of the MTT-S Region 8 Coordinator to South Africa, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 122-123, 2017.
- Havlíček, J.; Švanda, M.; Polívka, M.; Macháč, J.; Kraček, J., Chipless RFID Tag Based on Electrically Small Spiral Capacitively Loaded Dipole, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters. 2017, 16(1), 3051-3054. ISSN 1536-1225.
- Ibrahim A. A., Machac J., Shubair R.M., Svanda M., Design and Measurement of a Compact UWB MIMO Antenna with Asymetric Coplanar Strip Feed, 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, pp. 1655 – 1656.
- Ibrahim A. A., Machac J., Shubair R.M., Svanda M., Compact UWB MIMO Antenna with Asymmetric Coplanar Strip Feeding Configuration In: The 28th Annual IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (IEEE PIMRC 2017). New Jersey: IEEE, 2017. pp. 1-4. ISBN 978-1-5386-3531-5.
Macháč J., Pasquet D., Barbin S.: MTT Chapter Representatives Meet in Paris, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 2, Feb. 2016, pp. 75-78, 88.
Kraček J., Švanda M., Mazánek M., Macháč J.: Inductive Wireless Power Transfer for Human Body Implantable UHF RFID Tag, MTT IMS 2016, San Francisco, May 2016, Workshop WFI – Theory and Applications of Wireless Power Transfer.
Švanda M., Macháč J., Polívka M., Havlíček J.: A Comparison of Two Ways to Reducing the Mutual Coupling of Chipless RFID Tag Scatterers, 21st International Conference on Microwave Radar and Wireless Communication / MIKON, Krakow, Poland, May 9-12, 2016.
Kraček J., Švanda M., Mazánek M., Macháč J.: Implantable Semi-Active UHF RFID Tag with Inductive Wireless Power Transfer, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016, DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2016.2520663
Polívka M., Havlíček J., Švanda M., Macháč J.: Improvement in Robustness and Recognizability of RCS Response of U Shaped Strip-Based Chipless RFID Tags, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2016, Vol. 15, pp. 2000-2003, 2016 DOI: 10.1109/LAWP.2016.2549638
- Macháč J.: 3D System of Randomly Detuned Ring Resonators, MMET 2016, 16th IEEE International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, Lviv, Ukraine, Jyly 2016, EMT-4, pp. 341-344
- Macháč J.: Random Spread of SRR Resonant Frequencies, PIERS 2016, Shanghai, China, August 8-11, 2016.
Kraček J., Švanda M., Mazánek M., Macháč J.: Semi-Active 866 MHz RFID Implantable Tag Fed by 6.78 MHz Inductive Wireless Power Transfer, 2016 European Microwave Conference, London, October 4-6, pap. No. EUMC-32-05.
- Havlíček J., Švanda M., Macháč J. ,Polívka M.: Improvement of Reading Performance of Frequency-Domain Chipless RFID Transponders, Radioengineering, Vol. 25, No. 2, June 2016, pp. 219-229.
- Havlíček J., Polívka M., Švanda M., Macháč J.: Capacitively Loaded Dipoles for Chipless RFID Transponder, 26th International Conference on Radioelektronika, Kosice, Slovakia, Apr. 2016, Proc. pp. 446-449.
- Macháč J., Polívka M., Švanda M., Havlíček J.: Reducing Mutual Coupling in Chipless RFID Tags Composed of U-Folded Dipole Scatterers, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 58, No. 11, pp. 2723-2725, Nov. 2016.
Macháč J., Pasquet D.: Region 8 MTT-S Chapter Representatives Met in Rome on 6 October 2014, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2015, pp. 146-149.
Macháč J., Jelínek L.: Metamaterial Made of Randomly Dispersed Resonance Frequencies, International Microwave Symposium 2015, May 2015, Phoenix, Ay, USA.
Macháč J., Jelínek L.: A System of Split Ring Resonators with Randomly Dispersed Resonance Frequencies, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2015, Dec. 2015, Nanjing, China.
Machac J., Pedro J. C.: Distinguished Microwave Lecturer in Central Europe and Balkan Countries, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 9, Oct. 2015, pp. 92-93.
Polivka M., Havlicek J., Svanda M., Machac J.: Improvement of RCS Response of U Shaped Strip Based Chipless RFID Tags, European Microwave Conference 2015, Sept. 2015, Paris, France, pp. 107-110.
Jelínek L., Macháč J.: A Polarizability Measurement for Electrically Small Particles, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 13, pp. 1051-1053, 2014
Macháč J.: SIW Leaky Wave Antennas, Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference 2014 Roma, Italy, paper No. EuMC23-05, pp 448-451.
Macháč J.: Substrate Integrated Waveguide – Base for Leaky Wave Antennas, 44th European Microwave Conference 2014 Roma, Italy, Workshop WM1 – New Trends in Substrate Integrated Circuits.
Polívka M., Švanda M., Macháč J.: Chipless RFID Tag with an Improved RCS Response, Proceedings of the 44th European Microwave Conference 2014 Roma, Italy, paper No. EuMC40-03, pp 770-773.
Kozák F., Jeník V., Macháč J., Hudec P.: Microwave Radar Sensor Based on CRLH SIW Leaky-Wave Antennas, Proceedings of the 11th European Radar Conference, 2014, Roma, Italy, EuRAD04-03, pp. 53-56.
Polívka M., Macháč J.,: Improvement of Backscatter Properties of C-Shaped Dipole Scatterer for Chipless RFID, Proceedings of 2014 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Nov. 4-7, 2014, Sendai, Japan, pp. 962-964, TH3G-29.
Macháč J., Pasquet D.: MTT-S Chapter Representatives of Region 8 Meeting in Nuremberg in October 2013, IEEE Microwave Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 6, Sept/Oct. 2014, pp. 158-161.
Macháč J., Polívka M., Zemlyakov K.: A Dual Band Leaky Wave Antenna on a CRLH Substrate Integrated Waveguide, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 61, No. 7, July 2013, pp. 3876-3879.
Jelínek L., Macháč J.: Loss Compensation in RF Metamaterials by Single Transistor Circuits, The 7th International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Metamaterials 2013, Sept. 2013, Bordeaux, France
Machac J., Polívka M.: A Planar Leaky Wave Antenna Operating in Two Frequency Bands, The 43rd European Microwave Conference, October 6-11 2013, Nuremberg, Germany. Paper No. EuMC27-2.
Machac J.: Leaky Wave Antennas Designed on a Substrate Integrated Waveguide, 21st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communication, ICECom 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 14-16 2013, Invited paper, s_11_1.pdf.
Machac J., Polívka M.: A Uniplanar Inductively Loaded Scatterer of Reduced Size for Chipless RFID Tags, 21st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communication, ICECom 2013, Dubrovnik, Croatia, October 14-16 2013, Invited paper. s_32_5.pdf.
Polivka M., Machac J.: Novel Size-Reduced Unit Cells for Uniplanar Chipless RFID Tags, 2013 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, November 5.-8., 2013, Coex, Seoul, Korea, P2-15.
Macháč J., Polívka M.: A Dual Band SIW Leaky Wave Antenna. In IEEE-MTT-S International, Microwave Symposium – Proceedings [CD-ROM]. Piscataway: IEEE, 2012, p. 1-3. ISBN 978-1-4673-1086-4.
Macháč J., Polívka M., Zemlyakov K.: Analysis of a CRLH SIW Dual Band Antenna. In Metamaterials 2012 – Proceedings [CD-ROM]. St. Petersburg: Saint-Petersburg State Technical University, 2012, p. 209-211. ISBN 978-952-67611-2-1.
Macháč J.: A Metamaterial with an Isotropic Response, 2012 International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory, MMET 2012, Charkov, Sept. 2012, Proc., pp. 403 – 408.
Bláha M., Macháč J.: Unit Cell of Metamaterial with Isotropic Response Made of Planar Resonators. In Proceedings of the 42nd European Microwave Conference [CD-ROM]. London: Horizon House Publications, 2012, p. 679-682. ISBN 978-2-87487-027-9.
Polívka J., Fiala P., Macháč J., Microwave Noise Field Behaves like White Light, Progress In Electromagnetic Research, 2011, Vol. 111, pp. 311-330.
Bečvář V., Bláha M., Macháč J., Building Elements of a Volumetric Metamaterial, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, June 2011, TU3F-3.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Macháč J., Time Delay Estimation of UWB Radar Signals Backscattered from a Wall, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 53, June 2011, No. 6, pp. 1444/1450.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Macháč J., Estimation of Wall Parameters from Time-Delay-Only Through-Wall Radar Measurements, IEEE Transaction on Antennas and Propagation, Vol. 59, No. 11, Nov. 2011, pp. 4268-4278.
Jelínek L., Macháč J., A FET-Based Unit Cell for an Active Magnetic Metamaterial, IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, Vol. 10, 2011, pp. 927-930.
Macháč J., Polívka M., A Dual Band CRLH Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna, 41st European Microwave Conference, October 9-13, 2011, Manchester, UK, pp. 535-538.
Jelinek L., Machac J., Free Space Polarizability Measurement Method, The Fifth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics – Metamaterials 2011, pp. 967-969, ISBN 978-952-67611-0-7.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Machac J.: A Compact Step Recovery Diode Subnanosecond Pulse Gnerator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 438-440, Feb. 2010.
Kotlan V., Mesa F., Macháč J.: Numerical and Experimental Study of the Voltage Excited along a Slotline by a Current Source, Radio Science, Vol. 45, RS 1004, doi:10.1029/2009RS004139, 2010.
Machac J., Lorenz P., Saglam M., Bui C-T., Kraemer W.: Substrate Integrated Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna Radiating from a Slot in the Broad Wall, IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 2010, TU1A-2.
Jelínek L., Marques R., Macháč J., Fishnet Metamaterials – Rules for Refraction ans Limits of Homogenization, Optics Express, 2010, Vol. 18, No. 17, pp. 17940-17949.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Macháč J., Ultra-Wideband Pulse Waveform Generation Based on Combining Subnanosecond Gaussian Pulses, Microwave and ptical Technology Letters, Vol. 52, No. 11, Nov. 2010, pp. 2401-2405.
Jelínek L., Marques R., Macháč J., Homogenization of Fishnet Metamaterials: Possibilities and Restrictions, Metamaterials 2010 – Fourth International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetics Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Karlsruhe, Germany, Sept. 13-16, 2010.
Bláha M., Jelínek L., Macháč J., A Resonant Particle for Volumetric DNG Metamaterial, 2010 European Microwave Conference, Sept. 2010, Paris, France, Proc. pp. 1413-1416.
Kotlan V., Macháč J., Mesa F., Rodriguez-Berral R., Crosstalk in Parellel Slotlines, 2010 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan, Dec. 7-10, 2010, FR1F-4.
Kotlan V., Macháč J., High Frequency Crosstalk between Two Parallel Slotlines, IET Microwaves, Antenna and Propagation, 2010, Vol. 4, No. 12, pp. 2040-2246.
Kotlan V., Machac J., Mesa F.: Slotline Operating within a Wide Frequency Band: Excitation of Wales by a Real Source, 2009 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Boston, Ma., USA, June 8-11 2009, TU2G-3, pp. 137-140.
Balalem A., Ali A. R., Zmaru S., Machac J., Omar A: Realization of a Microstrip Triple-Mode Bandpass Filter Using a Square-Loop Resonator, 2009 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Boston, Ma., USA, June 8-11 2009, WE4F-1, pp. 849-852.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Macháč J.: Sub-Nanosecond Pulse Generator for Through-the-Wall Radar Application, 39th European Microwave Conference, October 2009, Rome, CD-Rom
Bláha M., Macháč J., Rytíř M.: A Double H-Shaped Resonator and its Use as an Isotropic ENG Metamaterial, International Journal on Microwave and Wireless Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 315-321, Aug. 2009.
Kotlan V., Macháč J., Mesa F.: Comparative analysis of the dispersion characteristics of a slotline and a microstrip line, Asia-Pacific Microwave conference, Singapore, Dec. 2009, TU4P-21.
Adel-Rahman A., Balalem A., Machac J., Omar A.: UWB Bandapass Filter with Wide Stopband Using Lumped Coupling Capacitors, Asia-Pacific Microwave conference, Singapore, Dec. 2009, WE3C-4.
Ali A. R., Alsaih A. Khazanda T. J., Machac J., Omar A.: Adaptive Symbol Length for OFDM Systems in Doubly Selective Channels, Asia-Pacific Microwave conference, Singapore, Dec. 2009, WE2P-21.
Protiva P., Mrkvica J., Machac J.: High Power Monocycle Pulse Generator for Through the Wall Radar Transmitter, Asia-Pacific Microwave conference, Singapore, Dec. 2009, TH4F-5.
Balalem A., Macháč J., Omar A.: Microstrip-CPW bandpass filter for antenna application, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 50, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 51-55.
Balalem A., Menzel W., Macháč J., Omar A.: A simple ultra-wideband suspended stripline bandpass filter with very wide stop-band, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 170-172, March 2008.
Balalem A., Macháč J., Omar A.: Low-loss doubly metalized CPW low-pass filter with additional transmission zeros, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 51, No. 3, May 2008.
Balalem A., Macháč J., Omar A.: Dual-band bandpass filter by using square loop dual-mode resonator, Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, Vol. 51, No. 2008.
Macháč J., Pavliš A., Houška M., Zehentner J.: Planar Version of A Slotline Leaky Wave Antenna with a Stacked Substrate, MIKON 2008 – XVI International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, Wroclaw, Poland, May 2008.
Zehentner, J. – Macháč J.: Widening the negative effective parameter frequency band of resonant SNG metamaterials, PIERS 2008, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hangzhou, China, March 2008, Proc. (CD) pp. 381-386.
Machac J., Zehentner J., Blaha M.: Coupling of split ring resonators in a mu-negative volumetric metamaterial, 2008 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Atlanta, Ga., USA, June 2008.
Machac J., Kotlan V., Snajdr M.: Modes on a Conductor-Backed Slotline, PIERB, Vol. 9, 2008, pp. 151-164.
Machac J., Rytir M., Protiva P., Zehentner J.: A Double H-Shaped Resonator for an Isotropic ENG Metamaterial, 38th European Microwave Conference, October 2008, Amsterdam, Proc. pp. 547-550.
Balalem A., Macháč J., Omar A.: Inverted Defected Ground Structure for Microstrip Line Filters Reducing Packaging Complexity, 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Hong Kong, Dec. 16-20, J5-01.
Ali A. R.,Balalem A., Khanzada T., Macháč J., Omar A.: Adaptive Pilot Distribution for OFDM Systems in Time-Variant Channels, 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, Hong Kong, Dec. 16-20, A5-26.
Balalem A., Ali A. R., Machac J., Omar A.: Quasi-Elliptic Microstrip Low-Pass Filters Using an Interdigital DGS Slot, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 17, No. 8, August 2007, pp. 586-588, IF 1,424.
Jelínek L., Macháč J., Zehentner J.: A Magnetic Material Composed of Randomly Oriented SRRs, PIERS 2007, March 2007, Beijing, China, CD ROM, pp. 474-477.
Buchar P., Macháč J., Zehentner J.: VA Characteristics of Gold-Polystyrene-Gold Structures, 18th International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields and Materials, May 2007, Budapest, Hungary, CD-ROM.
Macháč J., Protiva P., Zehentner J.: Isotropic ypsilon-negative particles, 2007 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Honolulu, Hi., USA, June 2007, TH4D-03, CD ROM.
Protiva P., Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Particle for an Isotropic Metamaterial with Negative Permittivity, EMTS 2007 – International URSI Commision B Electromagnetic Theory Symposium, July 2007, Ottawa, Canada, CD-ROM.
Boutejdar A., Elsterbini A., Balalem A., Macháč J., Omar A.: Design of New DGS Hairpin Microstrip Bandpass Filter Using Coupling Matrix Method, PIERS 2007, August 2007, Prague, Czech Republic, CD-ROM, p. 173.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Zabloudil P.: Novel Entire Top Surface Planar Leaky Wave Antenna, 37th European Microwave Conference, October 2007, Munchen, Germany, CD-ROM, pp. 372-375.
Hudlička M., Macháč J.: Triple Wire Medium for Use in Isotropic Metamaterials, 37th European Microwave Conference, October 2007, Munchen, Germany, CD-ROM, pp. 628-631.
Buchar P., Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Microwave reflectivity from gold sputtered nanolayer, IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, Vol. 6, No. 6, November 2007, pp. 645-651.
Zehentner, J. – Macháč J.: Volumetric Single Negative Metamaterials, Metamaterials 2007, October 2007, Roma, Italy, CD-ROM, str. 617-620.
Macháč J., Hruska, J., Zehentner J.: Slotline Leaky Wave Antenna with a Stacked Substrate, PIERS 2006 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, USA, March 2006, pp. 283-287.
Buchar P., Macháč J., Zehentner J., Slepička P., Svorčík V.: Reflection from a Gold Sputtered Thin Layer, MIKON 2006 – XVI International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, Krakow, Poland, May 2006, Vol. 2, pp. 641-644.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Zabloudil P.: Low Profile Slotted Flat Waveguide Leaky Wave Antenna,2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco, Ca., USA, June 2006, TH1A, pp. 1303-1306.
Balalem A., Hamad E., Macháč J., Omar A.: Bandpass Filters on a Modified Multilayer Coplanar Line, 2006 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, San Francisco, Ca., USA, June 2006, WE2A, pp. 531-534.
Macháč J.: Microstrip line on an artificial dielectric material, IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 416-418, July 2006.
Macháč J., Buchar P., Zehentner J., Omar A. S.: 1 D Volume Metamaterial Derived from LH Parallel Strips, Journal of the Europen Microwave Association. 2006, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 84-88.
Hudlička M., Macháč J., Nefedov I. S.: A Triple Wire Medium as and Isotropic Negative Permittivity Metamaterial. Progress In Electromagnetics Research [online]. 2006, Vol. 2006, No. 65, pp. 233-246. Internet: http://ceta.mit.edu/PIER.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Zabloudil P.: Use of Nano-Grids in a Waveguide, 36th European Microwave Conference, Manchester, September 2006 [CD-ROM]. Piscataway: IEEE, 2006.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Zabloudil P.: Power Control in Passive Waveguide Circuits, Asia Pacific Microwave Conference 2006, Dec. 12-15 2006, Jokohama, Japan, THOF-48, sborník Vol. 2, pp. 1337-1340.
Jelínek L., Baena J., Macháč J., Marques R., Zehentner J.: Isotropic magnetic metamaterials composed of periodically and pseudorandomly elements, Young Scientist Meeting on Metamaterials, Seville 2006, Nov. 2006, sborník pp. 54-70.
Macháč J., Hudlička M., Zehentner J., Spiliotis N. G., Omar A. S: Left-Handed Coplanar Waveguide, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Long Beach, Ca., USA, June 2005, TH4F-5.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Flat Waveguide with a Longitudinal Slot, 2005 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Long Beach, Ca., USA, June 2005, TH4C-4.
Macháč J., Hudlička M., Zehentner J., Spiliotis N. G., Omar A. S: Coplanar Waveguide Transmitting a Left-Handed Wave, Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, October 2005, pp. 139-140.
Macháč J., Buchar P., Zehentner J., Omar A. S: New Bulk Metamaterial, Proceedings of the 35th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, October 2005, pp. 713-716.
Zehentner J., Mrkvica J., Macháč J.: Fourier Transformation and Boundary Conditions in the Spectral Domain, PIERS 2005 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Hnagzhou, China, August 2005, pp. 422.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Planar Transmission Lines in MW and MMW Circuits, 7th International Conference on Telecommunications in Modern Satelite, Cable and Bradcasting Services – TELSKIS 2005, Nis, Serbia and Monte Negro, September 2005, pp. PIII-PXI, Invited paper.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Planar Slotted Lines with Finite Width of the Substrate, XXIII General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI),New Delhi, India, October 2005, B07.5(0402).pdf, CD Rom
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Mrkvica J.: Visualization of leaky waves on planar transmission lines, Mikon 2004, XV International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, Warszawa, Poland, May 2004, Proceedings Vol. 3, pp. 820-823.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Langer V., Hudlička M., Švorčík V., Slepička P., Drbohlav I.: Experimental exploration of gold sputtered layer behaviour at microwave frequency, EMFM’ 2004, XVII International Conference on Electromagnetics Fields and Materials, Warszawa, Poland, May 2004, Proceedings Vol. 1, pp. 105-108.
Zehentner J., Mrkvica J., Macháč J.: Analysis and design of open planar transmission lines, East-West Workshop Advanced Techniques in Electromagnetics, Warszawa, Poland, May 2004.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Radiation from the conductor-backed slotline, Proceedings of the 2004 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Pisa, Italy, May 2004, Vol. 1, pp. 162-164.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Dispersion characteristics of the dominant mode on a completely shielded conductor-backed slotline, 2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Fort Worth, Tex., USA, June 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 507-510.
Zehentner J., Mrkvica J., Macháč J.: Waveguide with a Partition in the H-Plane Analyzed by the Spectral Domain method, PIERS 2004 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Nanjing, China, August 2004, Proceedings p. 142.
Macháč J.,Zehentner J., Hruška J.: Conductor-Backed Slotline Antenna, Proceedings of the 34th European Microwave Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands, October 2004, Vol. 2, pp. 1205-1208.
Zehentner J., Mrkvica J., Macháč J.: Spectral Domain Analysis of Open Planar Transmission Lines, Microwave Review, Vol. 10, No. 2, Nov. 2004, pp. 36-42.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Tuzi C.: Modes on the Standard and Inverted Conductor-Backed Slotline, 2003 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Philadelphia, Pa., USA, June 2003, Vol. 2, pp. 677-680.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Tuzi C.: The Inverted Conductor-Backed Slotline – a Challenge to Antenna and Circuit Design, Proceedings of the 33rd European Microwave Conference, Munich, Germany, October 2003, Vol. 1, pp. 73-76.
Zehentner J., Macháč J.: Guided and Leaky Modes on Slotted Planar Transmission Lines, PIERS 2003 Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Honolulu, HI, USA, October 2003, Invited paper.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Comments on Representation of Surface Leaky Waves on Uniplanar Transmission Lines, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techn., vol. MTT-50, No. 2, Feb. 2002, pp. 583-585.
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Lorenz P., Mrkvica J.: Wide-Slotted Printed Slotline Radiator, Proceedings of MIKON 2002, XIV International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, Gdansk, Poland, May 2002, Vol. 1, pp. 226-229.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Novel Selected Modes on the Conductor – Backed Slotline, 2002 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Seattle, Wash., USA, June 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 961-964.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J.: Even and Odd Modes on a Conductor – Backed Slotline, Proceedings of the 32nd European Microwave Conference, Milan, Italy, September 2002, Vol. 3, pp. 609-612.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Hruska J., Langer V., Zabloudil P.: Experimental Verification of Theoretically Revealed Modes on the Conductor – Backed Slotline, Proceedings of 2002 Asia – Pacific Microwave Conference, Kyoto, Japan, Nov. 2002, Vol. 2, pp. 1200-1203.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Leaky waves of the second order on the slotline, Proceedings of the 2001 URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Victoria, BC, Canada, May 2001, pp. 532-534.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Lorenz P.: Space leakage of power from the slotline, 2001 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Phoenix, AZ, USA, May 2001, Vol. 2, pp. 1217-1220.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Lorenz P., Mrkvica J.: Planar Slot-Patch Antenna, Proceedings of the 31st European Microwave Conference, London, UK, September 2001, Vol. 3, pp. 223-226.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Lorenz P., Mrkvica J.: Leaky Wave Radiation of a Printed Slotline Antenna, Proceedings of 2001 Asia – Pacific Microwave Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C., Dec. 2001, Vol. 3, pp. 1175-1178.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Space leakage of power from uniplanar transmission lines, Mikon 2000, XIII International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications, Wroclaw, Poland, May 2000, Proceedings Vol. 2, pp. 565-568.
Zehentner J., Macháč J.: Properties of CPW in the sub-mm wave range and its potential to radiate, 2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Boston, MA, USA, June 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 1061-1064.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Leaky waves and conditions for exciting them on uniplanar transmission lines, Proceedings of PIERS 2000, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Cambridge, MA, USA, July 2000, pp. 235, Invited paper.
Zehentner J., Macháč J.: New space leaky wave spectrum components on the slotline, Proceedings of the 30th European Microwave Conference, Paris, France, October 2000, Vol. 2, pp. 190-193.
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Migliozzi M.: Coplanar line in millimetre and submillimetre wave range, 10th MICROCOLL, Budapest, Hungary, March 1999, Proceedings pp. 397-400.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Vacek P., Polívka J.: Spurious leaky mode solutions and experimental verification of the second leaky wave, 1999 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest, Anaheim, CA, USA, June 1999, Vol. 3, pp. 1261-1264.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Performance of the slotline in the mm-wave range, XII. International Microwave Conference MIKON-98, Krakov, Poland, May 1998, Proccedings Vol. 2, pp. 481-485.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Leakage into several surface waves on open planar transmission lines, URSI 1998 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Thessaloniki, Greece, May 1998, Proccedings Vol. 2, pp. 500-502, Invited paper.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Dispersion characteristics of leaky waves on lossless and lossy slotlines, 1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, June 1998, Proccedings Vol. 3, pp. 1795-1798.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Upper cut-off frequency of the bound wave and new leaky wave on the slotline, IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techn., vol. MTT-46, No. 4, Apr. 1998, pp. 378-386.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Polívka J., Sarnowski M.: Radiometric detection of surface leaky waves, The 43rd International Scientific Colloquium, Technical University of Ilmenau, Germany, September 1998, Proccedings Vol. 3, pp. 295-300.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Sarnowski M., Mrkvica J., Polivka J.: Surface leaky waves and their measurement, Proceedings of the 28th European Microwave Conference, Amsterodam, Netherlands, October 1998, Vol. 2, pp. 561-564.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Mrkvica J., Sarnowski M., Polívka J.: Field mapping by active radiometry, Proccedings of the 1998 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference, Yokohama, Japan, December 1998, Vol. 1, pp. 217-220.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Upper Cut-Off Frequency of the Bound Wave and New Leaky Wave on the Slotline, 1997 IEEE MTT-S IMS Digest, Denver, June 1997, pp. 487-490.
Zehentner J., Macháč J., Migliozzi M.: Evolution of New Real and Complex Improper Solutions of the Slotline Dispersion Equation, 27th European Microwave Conference Proccedings, Jerusalem. September 1997, Vol. 2, pp. 1264-1269.
Before 1997
Kučera L., Macháč J., Mišek J.: Effect of feedback carrier excitation on LED external quantum efficiency, IEE Proc. Solid-State and Electron Devices, Pt. I, Vol. 129, No. 1, 1982, p. 28.
Macháč J.: A static model of DH laser, IEE Proc. Solid-State and Electron Devices, Pt. I, Vol. 130, No. 2, 1983, p. 61.
Macháč J.: Impulse response of partially depleted p-i-n photodiode, Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (India), vol. 32, No. 1, 1986, p. 28.
Kadlec J., Macháč J.: Oscillator analysis with respect to higher harmonics, Archiv für Elektrotechnik (Springer International), vol. 76, No. 3, 1993, pp. 243-248.
Macháč J.: Analysis of discontinuities in waveguiding structures by MAB method, IEE Proc. Part.H, vol. 139, No. 4, August 1992, pp. 351-357.
Macháč J., Menzel W.: On the design of waveguide-to-microstrip and waveguide-to-coplanar line transitions, 23rd European Microwave Conference, Madrid 1993, pp. 615-616.
Menzel W., Macháč J.: Waveguide bandpass filters with attenuation of higher-order passbands, 23rd European Microwave Conference, Madrid 1993, pp. 606-607.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Leaky Waves on a Slot Line, Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory – URSI. St. Petersburg, May 1995, pp. 761-763.
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Menzel W.: Short and Open Circuited Slot Line, 1995 SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and Optoelectronics Conference Proceedings. Rio de Janeiro, July 1995, Vol. 2, pp. 856-861.
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Menzel W.: Load Impedances of Complex Slotline Terminations, 25th European Microwave Conference Proceedings, Bologna, September 1995, pp. 610-614.
Macháč J., Zehentner J., Menzel W.: Complex Resonant Frequency of Short-Circuited Slot Line Resonator, 40 Internationales Wissenschaftliches Kolloquium. Ilmenau, September 1995, Band 2, pp. 255-259.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Utilizable Frequency Band and Leaky Wave Phenomenon of the Slotline, XI Intenational Microwave Conference MIKON 96, Warszawa, May 1996, Vol. 1, pp. 193-197.
Macháč J., Zehentner J.: Leakage Effects of Dominant and Higher Order Modes on Slotline, 26th European Microwave Conference Proceedings, Prague, September 1996, Vol. 2, pp. 880-884.
Professional career
- 1977 - 1984 Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague
- 1984 - Faculty of Electrical Engineering CTU in Prague