Tento uživatel nemá prozatím vyplněny žádné údaje.
Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Prague, Czech Republic
• Bc.: Communication, multi-media and electronics, June 2017
• Ing.: Radio and Optical Technology, June 2019
Diploma thesis: Transmission of Optical Beams and Radio Waves in Optical
Turbulent Channel
• Hollow-core fibers
• Fiber coupling - modes, efficiency, reflections
• Interferometric measurements
• Radio-over-fiber and Free Space Optics
A2B17OKS - Optické komunikační systémy
2019-23 Project TACR FW03010551, ”Metrology and quality control of optical
infrastructure of 5G and VHCN networks“, team member - measurements and
2019 Project CTU SGS17/182/OHK3/3T/13, ”Development of optical sensors and
systems and microwave biomedical technologies“, team member - thermal stability
measurements of components
2020-22 Project CTU SGS20/166/OHK3/3T/13, ”Advanced fiber optical and microwave
technologies“, team member - design of mode-field adapters and Faraday rotator
mirrors for hollow-core fibres, their fabrication and characterisation
2022-24 Project GACR GA22-32180S, ”Advanced microwave photonics techniques
based on hollow-core optical fibers“, team member - long-length hollow-core fibre
for radio over fiber high-power link, and hollow-core fibre based Fabry-Perot for
microwave filter
2023-24 Project CTU SGS23/168/OHK3/3T/13, ”Fiber and wireless optical technologies“,
team member - design, assembly and characterisation of Hollow-core based Fabry-
Journal Papers:
- D. Suslov, M. Komanec, E. R. N. Fokoua, D. Dousek, A. Zhong, S. Zvanovec, T. Bradley, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson, R. Slavık, "Low loss, high-performance interconnection between standard single mode fiber and antiresonant hollow-core fiber," Scientific Reports, vol. 11 Issue 1, 2021.
- M. Ding, Z. Feng, D. Marpaung, X. Zhang, M. Komanec, D. Suslov, D. Dousek, S. Zvanovec, E. R. N. Fokoua, T. D. Bradley, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson, R. Slavik,"Optical Fiber Delay Lines in Microwave Photonics: Sensitivity to Temperature and Means to Reduce it," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 39. Issue. 8, pp.2311-2318, 2021.
- A. Theodosiou, J. Aubrecht, I. Kašík, D. Dousek, M. Komanec, and K. Kalli, "Femtosecond Laser Plane-byPlane Inscribed Cavity Mirrors for Monolithic Fiber Lasers in Thulium-Doped Fiber," Sensors, vol. 21, no. 6, p. 1928, Mar. 2021.
- M. Komanec, D. Dousek, D. Suslov, S. Zvanovec, "Hollow-Core Optical Fibers," Radioengineering, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 417-430, 2020.
- M.Ding, M. Komanec, D. Suslov, D. Dousek, S. Zvanovec, E.Numkam Fokoua, T.D. Bradley, F. Poletti, D.J. Richardson, R. Slavik, "Long-length and environmentally stable high-finesse Fabry-Perot interferometers made of hollow core optical fiber," IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, vol. 38, no.8, pp. 2423-2427, 2020.
- D.-N. Nguyen, J. Bohata, J. Spacil, D. Dousek, S. Zvanovec, Z. Ghassemlooy, B. Ortega, "M-QAM transmission over hybrid microwave photonic links at K-band," Optics Express, vol. 27, no. 23, pp. 33745- 33756, 2019.
Conference papers:
- M. Komanec, J. Bohata, D. Dousek, Z. Ghassemlooy and S. Zvanovec, "Experimental validation of a 64-QAM LTE radio-over-fiber and free-space optics link at the 2000 nm band," 12th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP), pp. 1-5, 2020.
- D. Dousek, M. Komanec, A. Zhong, D. Suslov, S. Zvanovec, P. Veselý, Y. Chen, T. D. Bradley, E. R. N. Fokoua, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson and R. Slavík, "Long-term stability of hollow core to standard optical fiber interconnection," Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VII (SPIE), 117731B, 2021.