Matlab Codes and Structure of FTP

Structure of FTP folders:

Upload – all new data should be uploaded there. Users have all rights to manipulate with the content in this folder (and subfolders).
Data – processed data are presented there. Users have only rights to read the content, they cannot modify it.

Description of the Matlab codes:

Couple of open-codes written in Matlab have been prepared for the participants to process their data.

Couple of open-codes written in Matlab have been prepared for the participants to process their data. Please, download always the whole FTP:Data/Matlab folder.

analyseSingleFrequencyData.m – analyse characteristic modes distilled from provided matrices
analyseTracking.m – analyse rad/tracked data from provided eigNum variable
acalcNumMultiFreqs.m – calculate precisely characteristic modes and angles of spherical shell
aplotNumSingleFreq.m – plot precisely calculated characteristic modes and angles of spherical shell
ncalcNumVecSingleFreq.m – prepare data for analyseTracking.m routine – it upload matrix can calculate CM decomposition
Functions in naming space +bnchFcns cannot be called directly, only as >> bnchFcns.myFunction(), in which myFunction is one of the following:
[+bnchFcns] – Matlab naming space containing supporting functions
+bnchFcns/lambdaTE.m – calculates characteristic numbers for TE modes for a given ka and mode number
+bnchFcns/lambdaTM.m – calculates characteristic numbers for TM modes for a given ka and mode number
+bnchFcns/ncalcAbsLogNumSingleFreq.m – calculate logarithmically scaled absolute value of characteristic numbers, can be easily compared with analytically data
+bnchFcns/nplotNumAnglMultiFreq.m – low-level function which is capable to plot raw/tracked characteristic numbers/angles depending on normalized frequency ka
+bnchFcns/decomposeSphImpMatrix.m – load impednace matrix and calculate characteristic decomposition, including optional pre- and post-processing steps
+bnchFcns/charAngles.m – convert characteristic number to characteristic angles


/Edited 14. 02. 2017, MC/