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- 2004-2007
- Bachelor at CTU FEE
- telecommunications
- 2007-2009
- Master at CTU FEE
- optoelectronics
- diploma thesis: Optical sampling oscilloscope with picosecond resolution
- 2009-2014
- Ph.D. at CTU FEE
- radioelectronics
- dissertation thesis: Optical packet switching techniques based on nonlinear optics
- 2022
- Associate professor
- habilitation thesis: Hollow-core optical fibers for sensing and communications
- Hollow-core fibers
- Side-emitting optical fibers for optical camera communication and visible light communication
- Specialty optical fibers for NIR/MIR
- Fiber-optic sensors
- Fiber characterization techniques
- Fabry-Perot interferometry
Optical Society of America, 2011-now
- Optical communication systems
- Fiber-optic techniques
- Optical measurements
- 2024-26 Project TACR FW10010171, "Optical sensing of meteorological phenomena for use in automotive industry", co-investigator
- 2023-25 Project TAČR FW07010035, "Multichannel interconnection of photonic chips for high-speed optical networks 5G +", co-investigator
- 2021-24 Project TACR FW03010171, "Fiber optic resonator structures for sensoric systems", co-investigator
- 2019-22 Project MPO FV40089, "High-speed optical source modules for data centers", co-investigator
- 2014-19 Project TACR TE02000202, "Advanced sensors and sensor data processing methods", team member
- 2014-18 Project COST MP1401, "Advanced fibre laser and coherent source as tools for society, manufacturing and lifescience", MC substitute
- 2015-17 Project COST CZ LD15083, "High-power pulse lasers for mid-infrared supercontinuum sources", principal investigator
- 2014-17 Project TAČR TA04010220, "Wideband optical source based on soft-glass fibers", co-investigator
- 2013-17 Project TAČR TA03010060, "Fiber optic detection of liquids", co-investigator
- 2012-15 Project COST CZ LD12058 "Research of Ambient Influences on Novel Broadband Optical Wireless Systems“, team member
- 2011-13 Project TAČR TA01011105 "Optical packet switch“, 2011-2013, team member
- 2010 Project SGS OHK3-134/10, "Parametric and Raman amplification in highly-nonlinear optical fibers", principal investigator
Selected impacted papers (all at Google Scholar see HERE):
- A. Zhong, M. Ding, E. R. Numkam Fokoua, S. Zvánovec, F. Poletti, M. Komanec, R. Slavík, "End-Capping Hollow-Core Fibers With Suppressed Coupling Into Higher-Order Modes," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, Vol. 30, No. 6, 2024.
- A. Zhong, E.N. Fokoua, M. Ding, D. Dousek, D. Suslov, S. Zvánovec, F. Poletti, R. Slavík, M. Komanec, "Connecting Hollow-Core and Standard Single-Mode Fibers With Perfect Mode-Field Size Adaptation," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol 42, No. 6, 2024.
- M. Komanec, C. Guerra Yanez, K. Eöllős Jarošíková, S. Zvánovec, "Side-emitting fiber-based distributed receiver for visible light communication uplink," Optics Letters, Vol. 48, No. 23, 2023.
- K. Eöllős Jarošíková, V. Neuman, C.M. Jurado-Verdu, S. Teli, S. Zvánovec, M. Komanec, "Long-distance indoor optical camera communication using side-emitting fibers as distributed transmitters," Optics Express, Vol. 31, No. 16, 2023.
- A. Zhong, M. Ding, D. Dousek, D. Suslov, S. Zvánovec, F. Polleti, D.J. Richardson, R. Slavík, M. Komanec, "Gap design to enable functionalities into nested antiresonant nodeless fiber based systems," Optics Express, Vol 24, No. 9, 2023.
- M. Komanec, L. Halmo, V. Adler, J. Bohata, M. Botella-Campos, J. Zvěřina, S. Zvánovec, "Directly-Modulated 1310 nm Laser TOSA Developed for Seamless Millimeter Wave Radio Over Fiber Transmission," IEEE Access, Vol 11, 2023.
- S. R. Teli, K. Eollosova, S. Zvanovec, Z. Ghassemlooy, M. Komanec, "Optical camera communications link using an LED-coupled illuminating optical fiber," Optics Letters, Vol. 46, pp. 2622-2625, 2021.
- D. Suslov, M. Komanec, E. R. Numkam Fokoua, D. Dousek, A. Zhong, S. Zvánovec, T. Bradley, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson, R. Slavík, "Low loss, high-performance interconnection between standard single-mode fiber and antiresonant hollow-core fiber," Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, pp. 8799, 2021.
- M. Ding, M. Komanec, D. Suslov, D. Dousek, S. Zvánovec, Eric R. Numkam, Fokoua, T. D. Bradley, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson, and R. Slavík, "Long-Length and Thermally Stable High-Finesse Fabry-Perot Interferometers Made of Hollow Core Optical Fiber," Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 38, No. 8, pp. 2423-2427, 2020.
- M. Komanec, D. Suslov, S. Zvanovec, Y. Chen, T. Bradley, S. R. Sandoghchi, E.R. Numkam Fokoua, G. T. Jasion, M. N. Petrovich, F. Poletti, D. J. Richardson,
and Radan Slavik, "Low-Loss and Low-Back-Reflection Hollow-Core to Standard Fiber Interconnection," IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 31, No. 10, pp. 723-726, 2019. - J. Bohata, M. Komanec, J. Spacil, Z. Ghassemlooy, S. Zvanovec, R. Slavik, "24-26 GHz radio-over-fiber and free-space optics for fifth-generation systems." Optics Letters. Vol. 43, No. 5, pp. 1035-103, 2018.
Research stays:
- Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, side-emitting fibers, 1 month, 2023
- University of Southampton, United Kingdom, hollow-core fibers, 3 months, 2017
- University of Southampton, United Kingdom, fiber-optic sensors, nonlinearities and hollow-core fibers, 3 months, 2014
- Hong-Kong Polytechnic University, China, fiber-optic sensors, 3 months, 2014