
Military Research Institute

Cooperation on the project “Systém aktivní balistické ochrany – AKTIVNÍ OCHRANA II SOD č. 167/2011/V/5/5/ŘÚF-864”, (Active defence system). Department of electromagnetic field participates on development of Doppler’s radar for detection of missiles.

ROHDE & SCHWARZ – Praha, s. r. o.

Design and realization of the radio spectrum monitoring antenna in frequency band 50 MHz – 3 GHz.

Vector Technologies

Customized scientific measurements of SIMO/MISO propagation channel in five different scenarios using remote control airship (contract 2015).

European Space Agency

Contractual research (contract no. 4000105298/12/NL/CLP) on radiowave propagation modelling for interference and frequency coordination analyses.

National Security Authority

Contractual research and development in the field of microwaves, antennas and electromagnetic radiation.

T-Mobile Czech Republic a.s.

Advanced antenna measurements in the antenna anechoic chamber and our outdoor antenna test range; analyses and measurements of the RF signal distribution in Metro corridors for mobile system coverage.

RFspin s.r.o.

Customized antenna measurements.

Jirous, spol. s r.o.

Advanced antenna measurements in the antenna anechoic chamber and our outdoor antenna test rang.

Argotech, a. s.

Development of high-speed laser source for 25 Gbit/s in the framework of project “High-speed optical source modules for data centers”

SQS Vláknová optika, a. s.

Co-operation in multiple past and ongoing projects. Focus on fiber-optic sensors, specialty optical fibers and LED sources.

PROFiber Networking CZ s.r.o.

Joint development of fiber-optic network characterization tools, device calibration and measurement methodology.


Development of fiber-optic elements for sensoric systems based on fiber Bragg gratings together with Proficomms, s.r.o.

CETIN a. s.

Co-operation in 5G fiber-optic network characterization, implementation and future 5G+ and 6G network development.

MECAS ESI s.r.o.

Cooperation within software-oriented projects of the TACR.