
Note: In some cases, only the first author is explicitly stated. Contact: miloslav.capek[at]

  1. Schwartz: Principles of Electrodynamics
  2. Akhiezer, Glazman: Theory of Linear Operators in Hilbert Space
  3. Shilov: Linear Algebra
  4. Shadowitz: The Electromagnetic Field
  5. Farlow: Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers
  6. Tenenbaum, Pollard: Ordinary Differential Equations
  7. Papas: Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
  8. Gelfand: Calculus of Variations
  9. Kolmogorov: Elements of the Theory of Functions and Functional Analysis
  10. Bachman: Functional Analysis
  11. Bleistein: Asymptotic Expansions of Integrals
  12. Bruijn: Asymptotic Methods in Analysis
  13. Tricomi: Integral Equations
  14. Weinstock: Calculus of Variations: with Applications to Physics and Engineering
  15. Fox: An Introduction to the Calculus of Variations
  16. Maxwell, J. C.: A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism, vol.1
  17. Maxwell, J. C.: A Treatise on Electricity & Magnetism, vol.2
  18. Kelloqq, O. D.: Foundations of Potential Theory
  19. Lebedev, N. N.: Special Functions & Their Applications
  20. Oldham, K.B., Spanier, J.: The Fractional Calculus: Theory and Applications of Differentiation and Integration to Arbitrary Order
  21. Davis, H. F.: Fourier Series and Orthogonal Functions
  22. Brand, L.: Vector Analysis
  23. Elmore, W. C., Heald, M. A.: Physics of Waves
  24. Rosenlicht, M.: Introduction to Analysis
  25. Stewart, I.: Concepts of Modern Mathematics
  26. Cullen, Ch., G.: Matrices and Linear Transformations: 2nd ed
  27. Mendelson, B.: Introduction to Topology
  28. Hamming, R., W.: Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineer
  29. Pinter, Ch., C.: A Book of Abstract Algebra: Second Edition
  30. Steen, Seebach Jr.: Counterexamples in Topology
  31. Kasriel: Undergraduate Topology
  32. Flegg: From Geometry to Topology
  33. Joos, Freeman: Theoretical Physics
  34. Abramowitz, Stegun: Handbook of Mathematical Functions: with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables
  35. Feynman, Hibbs, Styer: Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals: Emended Edition
  36. Aleksandrov, Kolmogorov, Lavrent’ev: Mathematics: Its Content, Methods and Meaning
  37. Newton: Scattering Tudory of Wales and Particles
  38. Dirac: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
  39. Pauli: Pauli Lectures on Physics
  • ​Vol. 1.: Electrodynamics
  • Vol. 2.: Optics and the Theory of Electrons
  • Vol. 3.: Thermodynamics and the Kinetic Theory of Gases
  • Vol. 4.: Statistical Mechanics
  • Vol. 5.: Wave Mechanics
  • Vol. 6.: Selected Topics in Field Quantization
  1. Muskhelishvili, Radok: Singular Integral Equations – Boundary Problems of Function Theory and Their Application to Mathematical Physics
  2. Knopp: Theory and Application of Infinite Series
  3. Boyd: Chebyshev and Fourier Spectral Methods
  4. Menzel, D. H.: Mathematical Physics (Dover Books on Physics)
  5. Becker, R.: Electromagnetic Fields & Interactions (L)
  6. Barut, A. O.: Electrodynamics and Classical Theory of Fields and Particles
  7. Hildebrand, F. B.: Introduction to Numerical Analysis, 2nd Ed.
  8. Tikhonov, A. N., Samarskii, A. A.: Equations of Mathematical Physics
  9. Rojansky, V.: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  10. Kreyszig, E.: Differential Geometry
  11. Weyl, H.: Space, Time, Matter
  12. Weyl, H., Pesic, P.: Levels of Infinity: Selected Writings on Mathematics and Philosophy
  13. Tolstov, G. P.: Fourier Series
  14. Harrington, R. E.: Introduction to Electromagnetic Engineering
  15. Pierce, J. R.: An Introduction to Information Theory: Symbols, Signals and Noise
  16. Yang, X.-S.: Nature-Inspired Metaheuristic Algorithms: Second Edition
  17. Rose, J. S.: A Course on Group Theory
  18. Byron, F. W., Fuller, R. W.: Mathematics of Classical and Quantum Physics
  19. Trudeau, R. J.: Introduction to Graph Theory
  20. Chartrand, G.: Introductory Graph Theory
  21. Hamermesh, M.: Group Theory and Its Application to Physical Problems
  22. Lawler, E.: Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids
  23. Van de Hulst, H. C.: Light Scattering by Small Particles
  24. Papadimitriou, Ch. H, Steiglitz, K.: Combinatorial Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity
  25. Friedman, B.: Principles and Techniques of Applied Mathematics
  26. Franklin, J.: Solved Problems in Classical Electromagnetism
  27. Bohm, D.: Quantum Theory
  28. Fowles, G. R.: Introduction to Modern Optics
  29. McWeeny, R.: Symmetry – An Introduction to Group Theory and Its Applications
  30. Ash, R. B.: Information Theory
  31. Isaacson, E., Keller, H. B.: Analysis of Numerical Methods (Revised Ed.)
  32. Hildebrand, F. B.: Methods of Applied Mathematics (2nd Ed.)

EM edition of IEEE & Wiley:

  1. Van Bladel: Singular Electromagnetic Fields and Sources
  2. Harrington: Time-Harmonic Electromagnetic Fields
  3. Harrington: Field Computation by Moment Methods
  4. Lindell: Differential Forms in Electromagnetics
  5. Van Bladel: Electromagnetic Field
  6. Peterson, Ray, Mittra: Computational Methods for Electromagnetics
  7. Tai: General Vector and Dyadic Analysis: Applied Mathematics in Field Theory
  8. Dudley: Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory
  9. Lindell, I.V.: Methods for Electromagnetic Field Analysis
  10. Idemen: Discontinuities in the Electromagnetic Field
  11. Morgenthaler: The Power and Beauty of Electromagnetic Fields
  12. Jung, Sarkar, Zhang, Ji, Yuan, Salazar-Palma, Rao, Ting, Mei, De: Time and Frequency Domain Solutions of EM Problems Using Integral Equations and a Hybrid Methodology
  13. Volakis, Chatterjee, Kempel: Finite Element Method for Electromagnetics
  14. Pozar: Microwave Engineering
  15. Jones: Methods in Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
  16. Felsen, Marcuvitz: Radiation and Scattering of Waves
  17. Chew: Waves and Fields in Inhomogenous Media
  18. Collin: Field Theory of Guided Waves
  19. Elliott: Antenna Theory & Design
  20. Collin: Foundations for Microwave Engineering
  21. Arthur: Understanding Geometric Algebra for Electromagnetic Theory
  22. Elliott, R. S.: Electromagnetics: History, Theory, and Applications
  23. Rahmat-Samii, Y., Michielssen, E.: Electromagnetic Optimization by Genetic Algorithms
  24. Ishimaru, A: Wave Propagation and Scattering in Random Media
  25. Ergül, Ö., Gürel, L.: The Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm for Solving Large-Scale Computational Electromagnetics Problems
  26. Sevgi, L.: Electromagnetic Modeling and Simulation
  27. Morrish, A. H.: The Physical Principles of Magnetism
  28. Huang, J., Encinar, J. A.: Reflectarray Antennas
  29. Tsang, L., Kong, J. A., Ding, K.-H.: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves – Theories and Application
  30. Tsang, L., Kong, J. A.: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves – Advanced Topics
  31. Tsang, L., Kong, J. A., Ding, K.-H., Ao, Ch. O.: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves – Numerical Simulations
  32. Ishimaru, A.: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation, and Scattering: From Fundamentals to Applications
  33. Clemmow, P. C.: The Plane Wave Spectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Fields
  34. Hansen, T. B., Yaghjian, A. D.: Plane-Wave Theory of Time-Domain Fields: Near-Field Scanning Applications
  35. Jin, J.-M.: The Finite Element Method in Electromagnetics


  1. Balanis: Modern Antenna Handbook
  2. Ida: Engineering Electromagnetics
  3. Zaplatílek: Matlab pro začátečníky /in Czech/
  4. Zaplatílek: Matlab – tvorba uživatelských aplikací /in Czech/
  5. Peitgen, Jürgens, Saupe: Chaos and Fractals – New Frontiers of Science
  6. Eberhart: Swarm Intelligence
  7. Deb: Multi-Objective Optimization using Evolutionary Algorithms
  8. Engelbrecht: Fundamentals of Computational Swarm Intelligence
  9. Sagan: Boundary and Eigenvalue Problems in Mathematical Physics
  10. Jeffrey, Dai: Handbook of Mathematical Formulas and Integrals
  11. Edelsbrunner: Geometry and Topology for Mesh Generation
  12. de Loera, Rambau, Santos: Triangulations: Structures for Algorithms and Applications
  13. de Berg, Cheong, van Kreveld, Overmars: Computational Geometry: Algorithms and Applications
  14. Geyi: Foundations of Applied Electrodynamics
  15. Jackson: Classical Electrodynamics
  16. Oplatková, Ošmera, Šeda, Včelař, Zelinka: Evoluční výpočetní techniky – Principy a aplikace /in Czech/
  17. Sadiku: Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics with MATLAB
  18. Kraus: Electromagnetics with Applications
  19. Gibson: The Metod of Moments in Electromagnetics
  20. Saichev, Woyczynski: Distributions in Physical Engineering Sciences
  21. Bondenson, Rylander, Ingelström: Computational Electromagnetics
  22. Triebel: Fractals and Spectra Related to Fourier Analysis and Function Spaces
  23. Dudley, D. G.: Mathematical Foundations for Electromagnetic Theory
  24. Jin, J.-M.: Theory and Computation of Electromagnetic Fields
  25. Jones, D.S.: Acoustic and Electromagnetic Waves
  26. Chirikjian: Stochastic Models, Information Theory, and Lie Groups
  27. Courant, Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 1
  28. Courant, Hilbert: Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vol. 2
  29. Gradshteyn, Ryzhik, Jeffrey, Zwillinger: Table of Integrals, Series and Products
  30. Wilkinson: The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem
  31. Nedelec: Acoustic and Electromagnetic Equations: Integral Representations for Harmonic Problems
  32. Jänich: Topology
  33. Landau & Lifshitz Edition:
  • Vol. 1.: Mechanics
  • Vol. 2.: The Classical Theory of Fields
  • Vol. 3.: Quantum Mechanics Non-Relativistic Theory
  • Vol. 4.: Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Vol. 5.: Statistical Physics
  • Vol. 6.: Fluid Mechanics
  • Vol. 7.: Theory of Elasticity
  • Vol. 8.: Electrodynamics of Continuous Media
  • Vol. 9.: Statistical Physics
  • Vol. 10.: Physical Kinetics
  1. Garg: Analytical and Computational Methods in Electromagnetics
  2. Munkres: Topology
  3. Morse, Feshbach: Methods of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 1
  4. Morse, Feshbach: Methods of Theoretical Physics, Vol. 2
  5. Hallen: Electromagnetic Theory
  6. Strichartz: Differential Equations on Fractals: A Tutorial
  7. Rudin: Principles of Mathematical Analysis
  8. Cahill: Physical Mathematics
  9. Gowers, Barrow-Green, Leader: The Princeton Companion to Mathematics
  10. Wong: Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Methods & Concepts
  11. Engheta, Ziolkowski: Electromagnetic Metamaterials: Physics and Engineering Explorations
  12. Silvestr, Ferrari: Finite Elements for Electrical Engineers
  13. Weinberg: Lectures on Quantum Mechanics
  14. Feynman, Zee: QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter
  15. Flammer: Spheroidal Wave Functions
  16. Stratton: Electromagnetic Theory
  17. Gross: Frontiers in Antennas: Next Generation Design & Engineering
  18. Vokalis, Chen, Fujimoto: Small Antennas:Miniaturization Techniques & Applications
  19. Attaway: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving
  20. Hahn, Valentine: Essential Matlab for Engineers and Scientists
  21. Hansen: Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antenna
  22. Spangenberg: Electromagnetics in Space: Antenna Considerations as Related to Space Communications
  23. Papas: Theory of Electromagnetic Wave Propagation
  24. Fujimoto, Morishita: Modern Small Antennas
  25. Bhartia, P., Bahl, I., Garg, R. Ittipiboon, A.: Microstrip Antenna Design Handbook
  26. Macdonald, A.: Linear and Geometric Algebra
  27. Adler, R. B., Chu, L. J., Fano, R. M.: Electromagnetic Energy Transmission and Radiation
  28. Balanis, C. A.: Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics
  29. Nasar, S. A.: 2008+ Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
  30. Fano, R. M., Chu, L. J., Adler, R. B.: Electromagnetic Fields, Energy, and Forces
  31. Lorentz, H. A.: The Theory of Electrons
  32. Nocedal, Wright: Numerical Optimization
  33. Boyd, Vandenberghe: Convex Optimization
  34. Stewart: Matrix Algorithms, Vol. I – Basic Decompositions
  35. Stewart: Matrix Algorithms, Vol. II – Eigensystems
  36. Sánchez-Hernández (ed.): Multiband Integrated Antennas for 4G Terminals
  37. Dunford, Schwartz: Linear Operators, Part I – General Theory
  38. Wing: Classical Circuit Theory
  39. Barrett, T. W., Grimes, D. M.: Advanced Electromagnetism: Foundations, Theory and Applications
  40. Novotny, L.: Principles of Nano-Optics
  41. Pelton, M., Bryant, G. W.: Introduction to Metal-Nanoparticle Plasmonics
  42. Jones, D. S.: The Theory of Electromagnetism
  43. Schelkunoff, S. A.: Electromagnetic waves
  44. Schelkunoff, S. A.: Antennas: The theory and practice
  45. Schelkunoff, S. A.: Advanced antenna theory
  46. Schelkunoff, S. A.: Applied mathematics For Engineers And Scientists
  47. Schelkunoff, S. A.: Electromagnetic fields
  48. Dunford, N., Schwartz, J. T.: Linear Operators, Spectral Theory, Self Adjoint Operators in Hilbert Space, Part 2
  49. Dunford, N., Schwartz, J. T.: Linear Operators, Spectral Operator
  50. Schwartz, M. D.: Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model
  51. Melia, F.: Electrodynamics
  52. Schwinger, J. S., Deraad Jr., L. L., Milton, K., Norton, J.: Classical Electrodynamics
  53. Fleisch, D.: A Student’s Guide to Vectors and Tensors
  54. Fleisch, D.: A Student’s Guide to Maxwell’s Equations
  55. Hamill, P.: A Student’s Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians
  56. Voss, H.: PSTricks: Graphics and PostScript for TeX and LaTeX
  57. Mittlebach, F., Goossens, M., Braams, J., Carlisle, D., Rowley, Ch.: The LaTeX Companion (Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting)
  58. Purcell, E. M., Morin, D. J.: Electricity and Magnetism
  59. Collin, R. E.: Antennas and Radiowave Propagation
  60. Agio, M., Alu, A.: Optical Antennas
  61. Chew, W. Ch., Tong, M. S., Hu, B.: Integral Equation Methods for Electromagnetic and Elastic Waves
  62. Lodge, O. J.: Modern Views of Electricity (1889!)
  63. Duffy, D. G.: Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB
  64. Sarid, D., Challener, W.: Modern Introduction to Surface Plasmons
  65. Hehl, F. W., Obukhov, Y. N.: Foundations of Classical Electrodynamics: Charge, Flux, and Metric
  66. Frankel, T.: The Geometry of Physics: An Introduction
  67. Rothwell, E. J., Cloud, M. J.: Electromagnetics
  68. Sauer, T.: Numerical Analysis
  69. Weyl, H.: Symmetry
  70. Weyl, H.: The Classical Groups: Their Invariants and Representations
  71. Bateman, H.: The mathematical analysis of electrical and optical wave-motion on the basis of Maxwell’s equations
  72. Johnson, R. K.: The Elements of MATLAB Style
  73. Lorrain, P., Corson, D. R., Lorrain, F.: Electromagnetic Fields and Waves
  74. Golub, G. H., Van Loan, Ch. F.: Matrix Computations, 4th ed.
  75. Martin, R. C.: Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
  76. Altman, Y. A.: Undocumented Secrets of MATLAB-Java Programming
  77. Lent, C. S.: Learning to Program with MATLAB: Building GUI Tools
  78. Gilles, T.: Advances in the Formulations and Accuracy of the Method of Moments Applied to Electromagnetics
  79. Altman, Y. M.: Accelerating MATLAB Performance: 1001 tips to speed up MATLAB programs
  80. Cormen, T. H., Leiserson, Ch. E., Rivest, R. L., Stein, C.: Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition
  81. King, R. W. P.: Electromagnetic Engineering, Vol I. Fundamentals
  82. Lebeďev, N. N.: Speciální funkce a jejich použití /in Czech/
  83. McConnell, S.: Code Complete: A Practical Handbook of Software Construction
  84. Nahin, P. J.: Inside Interesting Integrals
  85. Skiena, S.: The Algorithm Design Manual
  86. Martin, R. C.: Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices
  87. Kildal P.-S.: Foundations of Antenna Engineering – A Unified Approach for Line-Sight And Multipath
  88. Podolsky, B., Kunz, K. S.: Fundamentals of Electrodynamics
  89. Štěpanov, V. V.: Kurz diferenciálních rovnic /in Czech/
  90. Clemmow, P. C.: The Plane Wave Spectrum Representation of Electromagnetic Fields
  91. Smythe, W. R.: Static and Dynamic Electricity
  92. Haňka, L.: Teorie elektromagnetického pole /in Czech/
  93. Kvasil, B.: Vybrané kapitoly z radioelektroniky /in Czech/
  94. Kvasil, B.: Theoretické základy techniky centimetrových vln /in Czech/
  95. Rektorys, K.: Variační metody v inženýrských problémech a v problémech matematické fyziky /in Czech/
  96. Rektorys, K. a spol.: Přehled užité matematiky /in Czech/
  97. Binns, K. J., Lawrenson, P. J.: Analysis and Computation of Electric and Magnetic Field Problems
  98. Watkins, D. A.: Topics in Electromagnetic Theory
  99. Chambers, Ll. G.: An Introduction to the Mathematics of Electricity and Magnetism
  100. Ferrari, R. L.: An Introdunction to Electromagnetic Fields
  101. Krasnov, M. L., Makarenko, G. I., Kiselev, A. I.: Problems and Exercises in the Calculus of Variations
  102. Slater, J. C.: Microwave Transmission
  103. Brown, J. (Ed.): Electromagnetic Wave Theory (Part1 & Part2)
  104. Fuks, B. A., Šabat, B. V.: Funkce komplexní proměnné /in Czech/
  105. Jirásek, F., Kriegelstein, E., Tichý, Z.: Sbírka řešených příkladů z matematiky /in Czech/
  106. Nečas, J.: Grafy a jejich použití /in Czech/
  107. Dettman, J. W.: Matematické metody ve fyzice a technice /in Czech/
  108. Likeš, J., Machek, J.: Matematická statistika /in Czech/
  109. Drábek, P.: Integrální rovnice /in Czech/
  110. Angot, A.: Užitá matematiky pro elektrotechnické inženýry /in Czech/
  111. Hruša, K.: Počítání s neúplnými čísly /in Czech/
  112. Chen Yikai, Wang Chao-Fu: Characteristics Modes: Theory and Applications in Antenna Engineering
  113. Volakis, Sertel: Integral Equation Methods for Electromagnetics
  114. Staelin, D. H., Morgenthaler, A. W., Kong, J. A.: Electromagnetic Waves
  115. Porter, D., Stirling, D. S. G.: Integral Equations: A Practical Treatment, from Spectral Theory to Applications
  116. Guru, B. S., Hiziroglu, H. R.: Electromagnetic Field Theory Fundamentals
  117. Saad, Y.: Numerical Methods for Large Eigenvalue Problems, Revised Edition
  118. Willatzen, M., Voon, L. Y.: Separable Boundary-Value Problems in Physics
  119. Bladel, J.: Relativity and Engineering
  120. Griffiths, D. J.: Introduction to electrodynamics
  121. Strang, G.: Indroduction to applied mathematics
  122. Saad, Y.: Iterative Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, Second Edition
  123. Wangsness, R. K.: Electromagnetic Fields, 2nd Edition
  124. Shestopalov, V. P., Shestopalov, Y. V.: Spectral Theory and Excitation of Open Structures
  125. Burden, Faires, Burden: Numerical Analysis (10th ed.)
  126. Russel, P.: Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering
  127. Gilat, A., Subramaniam, V.: Numerical Methods for Engineergs and Scientists, 3rd edition
  128. Booker, H. G.: Energy in Electromagnetism
  129. Zangwill, A.: Modern Electrodynamics
  130. Kristensson, G.: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves and Obstacles
  131. Naylor, A. W., Sell, G. R.: Linear Operator Theory in Engineering and Science
  132. Day, R. A., Gastel, B.: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper (7th Ed.)
  133. Claudio, L., Boles, J.: How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper: The Step by Step Guide The Elements of Style
  134. Glasman-Deal, H.: Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English
  135. Schimel, J.: Writing Science: How to Write Papers That Get Cited and Proposals That Get Funded
  136. Hofmann, A.: Scientific Writing and Communication: Papers, Proposals, and Presentations
  137. Tufle, E. R.: The Visual Display of Quantitative Information (2nd Ed.)
  138. Few, S.: Show Me the Numbers: Designing Tables and Graphs to Enlighten
  139. Tufle, E. R.: Envisioning Information
  140. Tufte, E. R.: Visual Explanations: Images and Quantities, Evidence and Narrative
  141. Cleveland, W. S.: The Elements of Graphing Data
  142. Cleveland, W. S.: Visualizing Data
  143. Strunk, White, Angell: The Elements of Style
  144. Harrison, P.: Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots
  145. Dragoman, D., Dragoman, M.: Quantum-Classical Analogies
  146. Gottfried, K., Yan T.-M.: Quantum Mechanics: Fundamentals
  147. Magid, L. M.: Electromagnetic Fields, Energy, and Waves
  148. Mittra, R.: Computer techniques for electromagnetics
  149. Katsenelenbaum, B. Z.: Electromagnetic Fields: Restrictions and Approximation
  150. Goodfellow, I., Bengio, Y., Courville, A.: Deep Learning
  151. Wolsey, L. A., Nemhauser, G. L.: Integer and Combinatorial Optimization
  152. Conforti, M., Cornuéjols, G., Zambelli, G.: Integer Programming
  153. Schmüdgen, K.: Unbounded Self-adjoint Operators on Hilbert Space
  154. Miller, G.: Numerical Analysis for Engineers and Scientists
  155. Kulundzija, B., Djordjevic, A.: Electromagnetic Modeling of Composite Metallic and Dielectric Structures
  156. Altman, C., Suchy, K.: Reciprocity, Spatial Mapping and Time Reversal in Electromagnetics
  157. Simon, D.: Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms
  158. Stutzman, W.L., Thiele, G.A.: Antenna Theory and Design 3rd Ed.
  159. Horn, R. A., Johnson, Ch. R.: Matrix Analysis, 2nd Ed.
  160. Haupt, R. L., Werner, D. H.: Genetic Algorithms in Electromagnetics
  161. Nash, D. A.: A Friendly Introduction to Group Theory
  162. Baum, C. E., Kritikos, H. (Eds.): Electromagnetic Symmetry
  163. Graglia, R.D., Peterson, A.F.: Higher-order Techniques in Computational Electromagnetics
  164. Shannon, C. E., Weaver, W.: The Mathematical Theory of Communication
  165. Haupt: Antenna Arrays: A Computational Approach
  166. Balanis, C.A.: Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design, 4th Ed.
  167. Chen, Ch.-L.: Elements of Optoelectronics & Fiber Optics
  168. Pachová, Z., Frey, T.: Vektorová a tenzorová analýza /in Czech/
  169. Bartsch, H.-J.: Matematické vzorce /in Czech/
  170. Barnett, S. J.: Electromagnetic Theory
  171. Bronwell, A. B., Beam, R. E.: Theory and Application of Microwaves
  172. Stratton, J. A.: Teorie elektromagnetického pole /in Czech/
  173. Pollock, C. R.: Fundamentals of Optoelectronics
  174. Hayt, W. H., Buck, J. A.: Engineering Electromagnetics
  175. Haus, H. A., Melcher, J. R.: Electromagnetic Fields and Energy
  176. Svinicki, M. D., McKeachie, W. J.: Teaching Tips
  177. Rao, S.: Engineering Optimization: Theory and Practice, 4th Ed.
  178. Bohren, C. F., Huffman, D. R.: Absorption and Scattering by Light by Small Particles
  179. Warnick, K. F., Russer, P.: Problem Solving in Electromagnetics, Microwave Circuit, and Antenna Design for Communications Engineering
  180. Warnick, K. F., Chew, W. Ch.: Numerical Analysis for Electromagnetic Integral Equations
  181. Van Steen, M.: Graph Theory and Complex Networks: An Introduction
  182. Notaroš, B. M.: Conceptual Electromagnetics
  183. Newman, M.: Computational Physics
  184. Garcia, A. L.: Numerical Methods for Physics
  185. Davis, B. G.: Tools for Teaching
  186. Mittra, R. (Editor): Computational Electromagnetics: Recent Advances and Engineering Applications
  187. Bloise, F. S., Ferro, R. M., Rojo, A. B., Latasa, F. G.: Solved Problems in Electromagnetics
  188. Hanson, G. W., Yakovlev, A. B.: Operators Theory in Electromagnetic Field
  189. Greiner’s Edition:
  • Greiner, W.: Classical Mechanics: Point Particles and Relativity
  • Greiner, W.: Classical Mechanics: Systems of Particles and Hamiltonian Dynamics
  • Greiner, W., Neise, H., Stöcker, H.: Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
  • Greiner, W., Bromley, D. A.: Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction
  • Greiner, W. et al.: Quantum Electrodynamics
  • Greiner, W., Müller, B., Bromley, D.A.: Quantum Mechanics: Symmetries
  • Greiner, W., Bromley, D.A.: Quantum Mechanics. Special Chapters
  • Greiner, W., Bromley, D.A.: Classical Electrodynamics
  • Greiner, W.: Relativistic Quantum Mechanics
  • Greiner, W., Maruhn, J. A.: Nuclear Models
  • Greiner, W., Schramm, S., Stein, E.: Quantum Chromodynamics
  • Greiner, W., Müller, B.: Gauge Theory of Weak Interactions
  1. Bollobas, B.: Modern Graph Theory
  2. Halliday, D., Resnick, R., Walker, J.: Fundamentals of Physics Extended
  3. Müller, C.: Foundations of the Mathematical Theory of Electromagnetic Waves
  4. Schrijver, A.: Theory of Linear and Integer Programming
  5. Schrijver, A.: Combinatorial Optimization:
  • Volume A
  • Volume B
  • Volume C
  1. Newman, M.: Networks (2nd Ed.)
  2. Duda, O. R.: Pattern Classification (2nd Ed.)
  3. Heath Jr., R. W., Lozano, A.: Foundations of MIMO Communication
  4. Tse, D., Viswanath, P.: Fundamentals of Wireless Communication
  5. Molisch, A. F.: Wireless Communications, 2nd Edition
  6. Reeves, C.R.: Modern Heuristic Techniques for Combinatorial Problems
  7. Hochbaum, D.: Approximation Algorithms for NP-Hard Problems
  8. Mandel, L., Wolf, E.: Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics
  9. Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., Laloe, F.: Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 1
  10. Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Diu, B., Laloe, F.: Quantum Mechanics, Vol. 2
  11. Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Dupont‐Roc, J., Grynberg, G.: Photons and Atoms: Introduction to Quantum Electrodynamics
  12. Cohen-Tannoudji, C., Dupont‐Roc, J., Grynberg, G.: Atom-Photon Interactions: Basic Process and Applications: Basic Processes and Applications
  13. Bendsoe, M. P., Sigmund, O.: Topology Optimization: Theory, Methods, and Applications
  14. Ohsaki, M.: Optimization of Finite Dimensional Structures
  15. Koziel, S., Pietrenko-Dabrowska, A.: Performance-Driven Surrogate Modeling of High-Frequency Structures
  16. Grynberg, G., Aspect, A., Fabre, C.: Introduction to Quantum Optics: From the Semi-classical Approach to Quantized Light
  17. Agarwal, G. S.: Quantum Optics
  18. Pierrus, J.: Solved Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: Analytical and Numerical Solutions with Comments
  19. De Lange, O. L., Pierrus, J.: Solved Problems in Classical Mechanics: Analytical and Numerical Solutions with Comments
  20. Chappel, M., Payne, S.: Physiology for Engineers: Applying Engineering Methods to Physiological Systems
  21. Greenebaum, B., Barnes, F. S.: Bioengineering and Biophysical Aspects of Electromagnetic Fields (3rd Ed.)
  22. Malmivuo, J., Plonsey, R.: Bioelectromagnetism: Principles and Applications of Bioelectric and Biomagnetic Fields
  23. Davidson, P.: An Introduction to Electrodynamics
  24. Dattorro, J.: Convex Optimization and Euclidean Distance
  25. Garg, A.: Classical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell
  26. Klauber, R. D.: Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory
  27. Du, D.-Z., Pardalos, P. M., Zhang, Z.: Nonlinear Combinatorial Optimization
  28. Youla, D. C.: Theory and Synthesis of Linear Passive Time-Invariant Networks
  29. Eldar, Y. C., Kutyniok, G.: Compressed Sensing: Theory and Applications
  30. Eldar, Y. C.: Sampling Theory: Beyond Bandlimited Systems
  31. Hayt, W.: Engineering Circuit Analysis (9th ed.)
  32. Montgomery, C. G., Dicke, R. H., Purcell, E. M.: Principles of Microwave Circuits
  33. Bertsekas, D. P.: Convex Optimization Algorithms
  34. Bersekas, D. P.: Nonlinear Programming, 3rd ed.
  35. Fässler, A. and Stiefel, E.: Group Theoretical Methods and Their Applications
  36. Fleisch, D. and Kinnaman, L.: A Student’s Guide to Waves
  37. di Bartolo, B.: Classical Theory of Electromagnetism
  38. Hammack, R.: Book of Proof
  39. Chew, W. Ch., Jin, J.-M., Michielssen, E., Song, J. et al. (Eds.): Fast and Efficient Algorithms in Computational Electromagnetics
  40. Adams, A. T. and Lee, J. K.: Electromagnetics
  41. Saleh, B. E. A., Teich, M. C.: Fundamentals of Photonics, Part I. – Optics, 3rd Edition
  42. Saleh, B. E. A., Teich, M. C.: Fundamentals of Photonics, Part II. – Photonics, 3rd Edition
  43. Simovski, C., Tretyakov, S.: An Introduction to Metamaterials and Nanophotonics
  44. Griffiths, D. J., Schroeter, D. F.: Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
  45. Carroll, S. M.: Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
  46. Loudon, R.: The Quantum Theory of Light
  47. Scherer, W.: Mathematics of Quantum Computing: An Introduction
  48. Djordjevic, I. B.: Quantum Information Processing, Quantum Computing, and Quantum Error
  49. Stephani, H.: Relativity: An Introduction to Special and General Relativity
  50. Gonzalez, R. C., Woods, R. E.: Digital Image Processing, 4th Ed.
  51. Carroll, S. M: Spacetime and Geometry: An Introduction to General Relativity
  52. Marcuvitz, N. (Ed.): Waveguide Handbook
  53. Boyd, S., Vandenberghe, L.: Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra: Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares
  54. Marzetta, T. L., et al.: Fundamentals of Massive MIMO, 1st Ed.
  55. Morgan, M. A.: Principles of Rf and Microwave Design
  56. Wong, T. G.: Introduction to Classical and Quantum Computing
  57. Nielsen, M. A., Chuang, I. L.: Quantum Computation and Quantum Information: 10th Anniversary Edition
  58. Bakr, M., Elsherbeni, A. Z., Demir, V.: Adjoint Sensitivity Analysis of High Frequency Structures with MATLAB
  59. Jeans, J.: The Mathematical Theory of Electricity and Magnetism (1st Ed.)
  60. Hecht, E.: Optics (5th Edition)
  61. G. Strang: Introduction to Linear Algebra
  62. G. Strang: Linear Algebra and Learning from Data
  63. G. Strang: Differential Equations and Linear Algebra
  64. B. Lei et al.: Classification, Parameter Estimation and State Estimation: An Engineering Approach Using MATLAB, 2nd ed.
  65. S. Roman: Advanced Linear Algebra
  66. E. S. Gopi: Pattern Recognition and Computational Intelligence Techniques Using Matlab
  67. R. Shankar: Principles of Quantum Mechanics Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 1980 Edition
  68. Ch. W. Misner, K. S. Thorne, J. A. Wheeler: Gravitation, 2017 Edition
  69. Born, M., Wolf, E.: Principles of Optics: 60th Anniversary Edition 7th Edition
  70. Rappaport, T. et al.: Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications 1st Edition
  71. Kottwitz, S.: LaTeX Graphics with TikZ: A practitioner’s guide to drawing 2D and 3D images, diagrams, charts, and plots
  72. Wang, D. and Barabási, A.-L.: The Science of Science
  73. Aggarwal, Ch. C.: Neural Networks and Deep Learning: A Textbook
  74. Agarwal, B.: Hands-On Data Structures and Algorithms with Python, 3rd Edition
  75. Munk, B. A.: Frequency Selective Surfaces: Theory and Design
  76. Munk, B. A.: Finite Antenna Arrays and FSS


  1. Morita, Kumagai, Mautz: Integral Equation Methods For Electromagnetics
  2. Morgan: Finite Element and Finite Difference Methods in Electromagnetic Scattering